THE home buyer’s

expense calculator

How to calculate the REAL month to month costs of owning
a home. Because the mortgage is just the beginning.



Because you should know exactly what it’s
going to cost to own and maintain your home
before you sign on the dotted line.

(Crazy, right?!?)


What’s included:

This educational product is short, sweet, and absolutely packed with all the
information you need to feel prepared when buying your first home.
Watch the videos over your morning cup of coffee while scrolling Realtor and learn:
how to calculate the real monthly costs of home ownership, how to realistically predict variable costs like annual maintenance, and how to calculate your total closing costs
(so you don’t have to dip into savings when you discover closing costs much more than
just the down payment).

  • Home buyer’s expense calculator spreadsheet for Google Drive

  • Home buyer’s expense calculator spreadsheet for Microsoft Excel

  • Educational video to get clarity on the monthly costs of home ownership

  • Educational video to understand and predict closing costs

  • Real life example video lesson teaching you to use the spreadsheet

  • First Time Home Buyer’s PDF guide answering questions you didn’t even know you had


This program is the education and information I wish someone had given us before we bought our first home.

Days of research, hours of crunching numbers, and more than a few painfully expensive mistakes went into our own home buying journey. I’ve packaged all those lessons up into a simple, compact, and effective program that will walk you through everything you need to know to calculate the real affordability of a prospective home, so you can make the right decision for you.

The first time home buyer’s expense calculator will answer the questions you didn’t even know you should be asking yet.



  • The spreadsheet is available both as an excel document AND as a google sheets file, so you can use whichever format is easy and accessible to you.

  • This spreadsheet calculator is a beautifully simple and easy tool to use! There are two video lessons walking you through how to use each part of the spreadsheet, and the automated equations I've built in for you will take care of the rest!

  • This comprehensive 35 page guide covers EVERYTHING you need to know about the financial side of buying a home. From how to start preparing your finances ahead of time, to how to access to lowest mortgage rates, to understanding all the closing costs you’ll have to save for, this guide is THE guide you need to save you so much time, energy, and costly mistakes as you move through your home buying journey.

  • The expense calculator is a great tool for anyone who is in the ‘looking at homes’ stage, or who is about to purchase their first home! If you’re dreaming of buying a home one day and are just casually starting to evaluate the affordability of potential homes on Realtor, then you’ll love how this product helps you start to prepare yourself properly! Not to mention the 35 page First Time Home Buyers Guide starts with chapters about how to start prepping your finances years before you every buy a home.

  • Simple. My goal is to help you become awesome at managing your money, not to sell you crap on the internet, so I offer a 100% money back guarantee. If you find that the course or product isn't the right fit for you, simply send me an email at stating that you'd like to request a refund and my team will make sure you're refunded the full amount.