Financial Resources

I highly recommend using a variety of educational resources to help
you along on your personal finance journey. Here is a collection
of my favourite finance books, educators, tools and platforms that
will help you gain a broader understanding of how to manage your
money like a pro!

- Cory


The resources by category


 Books You Should Read


The Wealthy Barber

The Millionaire Next Door

Financial First Aid

The Simple Path To Wealth

The Intelligent Investor

Broke Millennial

Smart Women Finish Rich

Worry Free Money

Broke Millennial Takes on Investing


Recommended Products


EQ Bank High Interest Savings Account

EQ Bank

If you’re keeping cash in a regular savings account you’re leaving free money on the table! Most big banks these days will pay you an interest rate of 0.01% (that is a very sad rate my friend). EQ Bank is a Canadian online bank that offers a much higher interest rate at 2.5%!

This is one of those personal finance hacks that isn’t too good to be true.

Use the link below to open an account. If you deposit $100.00 right away, you will receive a free $20.00 in your account as a sign up bonus!



 Finance Educators I Love


FREE Download Learning Tools


Everything You Need To Know About Emergency Funds

Setting yourself up with an emergency fund is the very first step you need to take to get control of your finances. This simple account will help you finally feel financially secure and stop losing sleep over money stress!

This guide includes everything you need to know to start, build, and maintain your own emergency fund. You’ll be amazed by how much easier it becomes to tackle day to day life knowing that you’ve built your own safety net.

It can feel daunting to start building such a large bank account though. This guide is designed to help you go from zero to fully funded emergency fund as fast as possible. What’s one of the biggest secrets? Thinking of it as a F**k You Fund instead of an Emergency Fund!

Download the guide to learn how to get started today.



How To Win Grant Money

Over the past 7 years I’ve started 3 separate businesses. All of these businesses were financed by government grants that I found, applied for, and won. If you have a business or side hustle idea, then you should definitely be looking into applying for grants to get your idea off the ground!

What nobody realizes about most grants is that they NEED more people to apply to them. They want to give you the funding (that IS their job) as long as you present a solid plan and follow their grant guidelines professionally.

Download the guide to learn how I’ve applied for and won over $30,000.00 worth of grants in my 20’s.



How To Save Money On Your Taxes

When you tally up where your money goes over the course of your life, you’ll find that taxes are most likely going to be your single biggest expense.  On top of that, many of us pay far more money in taxes than we need to. 

We’re told to ‘budget’ our necessary living expenses, to ‘reduce our subscriptions’ and ‘stop buying lattes’, but why does nobody tell us about how we can reduce the expense of our tax bills by thousands of dollars a year in order to keep more of our own money?

That’s some serious financial gatekeeping bullsh*t if you ask me.

Most of us are woefully unprepared to navigate our taxes when we graduate and enter the world of adulthood. This guide to tax deductions will help you begin learning how to save money on taxes, so you can keep your money and use it to become wealthy!