Welcome to the How To Adult School Course suite
Welcome back to class! This time around it will be more fun though (I swear). Enroll in our online personal finance courses, and learn how to master your money step-by-step, from the comfort of your own home, sipping a hot coffee. (take that high school)
Your financial success starts here…
The Financial Foundations Course
Money stuff can be scary, but only because no one has taken the time to teach you the proper financial skills yet. Nobody is born knowing how to file taxes or understanding what APY is, so stop feeling bad that you don’t know how to manage your money yet and let’s do something about it! Instead of learning by trial and error for the rest of your life, fast track your learning by signing up for this online course and group coaching program. The Financial Foundations Course is designed to turn your life (and bank accounts) around. Everyone should start here.
Once you’ve built your solid financial foundations, it’s time to level up by entering your wealth building era. Aka: Learning to invest in the stock market.
Before you ask, no, the stock market isn’t just for old men, rich people, or Wall St. finance bro’s. Investing is safe and accessible for everyone, as long as you learn how to do it properly! Investing isn’t just for wealthy people, it’s what makes wealthy people.
The expense tracking template
The very first step to mastering your money is learning what’s happening with your money. Remember, you can never out earn bad spending habits. Learning to track your expenses will show you exactly where your money goes, will teach you to understand your habits and behaviors around money, and will make saving start to feel easy. Unlike budgeting, this system is all about consciously shaping your future behaviors and decisions around money, instead of kicking yourself for past spending mistakes (that never gets anyone anywhere!).
The new Home
Buyer’s guide
Don’t make the mistake of buying a home without having a complete understanding of the financial side of the process first. This guide includes a 30 page e-book that walkins you through everything you need to know, an automated spreadsheet to estimate and understand all the potential costs of home ownership, and instructional video lessons. Your home is supposed to provide comfort and security, and it will become a great asset as long as you arm yourself with the proper numbers and information ahead of time.
Freebies. (so there’s no excuse not to start today).
3 Day Money Challenge: (Breaking Up with broke)
The crash course in money management you desperately need. In 3 days learn the big picture ideas behind income, expenses, and investing that will make it all start to click.
Emergency Fund Guide
Building an emergency fund is a GAME CHANGER. It will break the financial scarcity loop you’re caught in, and help you start making calm, logical money decisions.
Canadian tax deducations guide
How did we miss learning about the tax system and tax deductions, but learned to recite that ‘the mitochondria is the powerhouse the cell?’. Let’s fix that.
The business grant guide
Increasing your income is the single most impactful thing you can do to improve your financial situation. If you have a business idea that needs funding, get this guide.